What Is The Difference Of Neo-Craniosacral Therapy from the CranioSacral Therapy? - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy Greece - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy

What Is The Difference Of Neo-Craniosacral Therapy from the CranioSacral Therapy?

What Is The Difference Of Neo-Craniosacral Treatment from The Upledger Craniosacral Therapy?

The Neo-Craniosacral Therapy differs from other Craniosacral therapeutical approaches because:

1. The basic Neo-Craniosacral curriculum consists of 1.730 teaching hours (spread across two to two and a half years) up to graduation, and not a few hours during four days, as it is usual in other schools.

2. It is non-invasive. That is, we do not try, by applying various techniques, to impose our knowledge on the body in order to correct any imbalances of either the Craniosacral Rhythm or any body’s dysfunctions. On the contrary, in the Neo- Craniosacral therapy, we touch the body with all our respect to the fact that the truth it now has, that is, its pain or illness, are in the first place acceptable and we respect them, and we do not focus on "curing" them, that is, correcting them. This creates a lot of confidence during the session. We touch the body by giving to it the non verbal following message: "I am here and get the time you need in order to recover to your former healthy condition." We are not in a hurry! The body is the only one knowing the path leading to its healing, and not the therapist. Anyone who believes the opposite, simply, is not telling the truth!

3. It embodies the Healing Dialogue. In the Neo- Craniosacral Therapy, the fundamental element for the treatment of any human being is to gain consciousness of what he himself contributed, so that his body was forced to react with pain or illness. And this is achieved only through the Therapeutic Dialogue, which is the main element in the session. In other words, due to the fact that our starting point was the classic Craniosacral Therapy (of Dr. Upledger) some 28 years ago, we have been many times in a stalemate. Namely, despite numerous sessions occurred for the treated individual, improvement lasted for only a few days. So over time we have developed and continually evolving the Therapeutic Dialogue during the session through which, the treated person acquires the Awareness of why the body is getting sick, and also what he can do so that the body retracts any Symptom. Treatment once and for all occurs only through the Awareness acquired by the healed / Traveler through the Therapeutic Dialogue. And the Therapeutic Dialog is based on many different psychological paths f.E. De-Hypno Therapy, NLP, Gestalt, Traumawork, "the way of the Heart" created by the Neo-CranioSacral Therapy and other...

4. It is the Cardio-Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. At the heart of Neo-Craniosacral therapy is the Biodynamics of the Heart. The Heart gives the motive for PEACE and REDEMPTION once and for all, and when we give to the heart the opportunity to show us its way, in turn it vibrates Biodynamically, all the aspects and Elements of our existence. Without Peace in our hearts, we cannot cure ourselves ONCE and for ALL!

5. In the Neo-Craniosacral Therapy our trainees are not allowed (strictly prohibited) to earn money for their delivered sessions before they get their degree. That is, before completing 1.730 hours of learning and 110 hours of Exams Seminars. Taking money as a trainee is considered to be extremely immoral and false. If this is done by a trainee who is “full of himself”, we can say that he is immature.

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