History - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy Greece - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy

The History of CranioSacral to Neo-CranioSacral Therapy

Neo-CranioSacral Therapy is the evolution of Craniosacral Therapy.
From the past to the Now…
Craniosacral Therapy has nothing to do with ancient Greek or Eastern origin, doesn’t relate to Chinese medicine, or Indian or Japanese methods of healing. By nature though it is conceived as a spiritual approach not of the past but of the future.
Craniosacral Therapy is a relatively new therapeutic approach. It has been developed for the past 115 years. First, Dr. Sutherland, in the early 1900’s, has introduced the model of  Craniosacral System and developed the Cranial Osteopathy, by observing and studying the bones of the cranium and their motion in relation to each other.
Ever since, his students and followers have greatly contributed with new at the time ideas and researches until the CranioSacral system a semi closed hydraulic system- which possesses its own physiological rhythmic activity, has been just recently recognized, so the Cranial Osteopathy has reached nowadays its evolutionary form as Craniosacral Therapy - the way it is practiced today in Europe.

Here, we must refer to the researches of  Dr. Upledger, who approved the theories of Dr. Sutherland  in the 70’s. Dr Upledger with his teachings and treatments established Craniosacral Therapy as a relatively new and very effective method of therapy.

The Friends and followers of Dr. Sutherland developed the Craniosacral Biodynamics, where the spirit of Dr. Sutherlands "Breath of Life" is integrated. The Body knows and you just listen to it.
At that path of the CranioSacral Biodynamics we developed the Neo-CranioSacral Therapy, having done our experiences from the CranioSacral Therapy of the school of Dr. Upledger and searching for a deeper approach where the individual can find the way of his own healing. Out of our experiences in Europe and India with the CranioSacral Therapy we found the “path of the Heart” which is the path of the truth of everybody. The Cardio-Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy is the Path of the self-understanding and acceptance. Neo-CranioSacral Therapy is not the way to fight the Symptoms but to understand yourself and accept all your characters and isuues in you. Accepting yourself in all your expressions you delete the reason to get sick. Neo-Craniosacral Therapy is the best way of self healing and the best way to be true.
As a further developed form in the Neo-CranioSacral Therapy is the Cardio-Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy. Our heart is the source of Love, Acceptance, Confidence and peace for us. We touch the Traveler out of the space of our heart. That means our hands send the message to the body “I accept you and I follow you wherever you decide to lead us”. That achieves the space for healing and consciousness for the Traveler.