The Neo-CranioSacral Therapy - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy Greece - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy

The Neo-CranioSacral Therapy in Greece

Neo-CranioSacral Therapy as we apply it
Neo-CranioSacral Therapy, as we apply it, consists  the evolution of the founder's (Dr Sutherland) Breath of Life and is  the integration of Craniosacral Biodymamics, as developed by his students as well as Dr Upledger's, CranioSacral Therapy and includes also our development the last 20 years of the Cardio-Biodynamic process.
Moreover, it is the Touch of the Heart as Daruma Chantzinasios and Natasha Green practice it and teach it. .
This evolution is based on the principle that “there is no patient neither healer during the session”. For us in the Neo-CranioSacral Therapy is the person who accepts the treatment and lies on the massage table with closed eyes the “Traveler”, and the practitioner is the one whom we call the  “Companion” in this journey to her/his inner reality. Traveler because she/he goes a journey into his body or her/his inner world. And the Companion (we) are invited to be with the Traveler during this journey. The Companion touches gently without intervening the body of the Traveler. This gentle touch of acceptance encourages the Traveler to relax and trust whatever her/his body like to heal in this session. We have to notice in this point that the body and the wisdom in it chooses the issue that it like to heal. The Companion has his eyes also closed and accompanies her/him  through the journey wherever the Traveler's body calls for attention.

Neo-Craniosacral Therapy is a Meditation process, where the practitioner is present, listens with his hands, does not interfere, does not act, does not jump into conclusions, does not aim for a result..

The Companion does not aim to achieve, does not try to rectify a malfunction, does not apply a technique, because our belief is that even if we are capable to heal a symptom, this is going to be a temporary relief, as the inner cause will bring sooner or later more severe symptoms . Our aim is that the Traveler can learn what is happening with him, in which way he, himself has contributed to the disorder of his body. Our ambition is to accompany the Traveler to contact the root of his problem and to realize what kind of his behavior caused it and how this distorted his normal being and led him to disease.
The Traveler is helped by our Therapeutic Dialog, which initiates the SomatoEmotional Release and further the perception of the healing process. Only through this process, the person is in a position to abort her/his traumas, programs and behavioral patterns, by realising  how he/she is responsible for what he/she suffers now. The Therapeutic Dialog happens only when the Craniosacral Tide is still (still point), an indication that the body is now in the process of self healing.
Only through the SomatoEmotional release and the consciousness of the Traveler himself, he can terminate the causes of imbalance and be healed from that once forever.