Cardio-Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy Greece - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy

What is the Cardio-Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy?

Neo-CranioSacral Therapy and its Cardio-Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy
For us, the human heart is a very significant element in Neo-Craniosacral therapy sessions Through our experience derived from many many treatment sessions and from the Educational Seminars we have offered, we are by now Convinced that human heart is the Orchestrator of our biological and emotional health. And by referring to heart, we do not mean the pump that is responsible for the blood circulation, but we consider everything else that all cultures of the world accept as what the heart represents. Cardio-biodynamic Neo-craniosacral therapy is based on the unique ability of our heart to orchestrate and harmonise our whole being with the Ultimate Power interconnecting the Universe , that is LOVE.

In this Figure you can see the interaction of the two hearts (Traveller and Cotraveller). So if the Cotraveller accepts every truth of the Traveller his heart gives this message to the heart of the Traveller and both synchronize into ACCEPTANCE.

Primarily, It is the heart that we embrace before even we lay our hands on one’s body and throughout the session as well. Being connected with the heart as facilitators, first of all we have no expectations for the outcome of the session. Expectations in general are unrelated to the truth of the heart. The one and only care of the heart is to bring PEACE to the Being of the person who receives the session. 
We often suffer from diseases, pain and dysfunction of our organs because we constantly live in conflict with ourselves. Where there is conflict there will be sooner or later a disease. Where there is no room for emotions to be expressed, the body suffers. We have been taught to fear our emotions. So the mind takes over the role to “protect” us from the rough path that emotions will put us in. 

However, the heart being the other Pole of our existence, takes us by hand and shows us that Trust is the alternative choice to Fear. Where there is Trust , Fear has no place any more and there is no conflict either. Cardio-Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy appoints the heart as our Teacher who represents our own unique Truth. The heart is the shelter that provides us rest. And when at rest, all of our systems get the message of Tranquility. The storm settles and the person enjoys this quality of peace. Each beat of the heart is a biodynamic vibration that transmits the “HOME coming” into the cells and body fluids of the treatment’s recipient.. A profound happiness is deeply Real bareing Redemption. At last what we were longing all our life is found , that is inner Peace and Serenity; they are now present and tangible .

Only within state of peace and serenity,a person can accept any of his own truth . No matter what that truth is, it can bare pain sometimes but by having recognised and accepted it , we are permitting big inner turnovers. By acceptance we don’t mean to bear fatally a disease or pain; we mean that with the strength of our heart we realise and say honestly << what I need to learn through what is happening to me?
At Cardio-biodynamic neocraniosacral treatment , we, as facilitators, when tuned into our hearts , then sooner or later the Travellers and or clients heart tunes in to our heart frequency. As facilitators we don’t expect to heal. Only our Acceptance of what is the Truth for the Traveller can encourage his Cardiac vibrations in his body to deliver the message of the universal Truth which is Love and through that Balance, thus Health.
An expression often used is “follow your heart”. Our experiences with people we treat ,show us that there is a misconception of this phrase.You cannot go to your heart with a problem or situation and wait from the heart to tell you what you should do to deal with it from now on. Your heart can not do that. However ,she can teach you to trust the choices you make and make you see that life gives Happiness and pain, tears and serenity.Your heart consciousness is only at Here and Now state, recognizing only this very moment , not what was yesterday nor what will be tomorrow.
By reaching to your heart, you reconnect with your Truths that had been forgotten at the course of your life. You experience this realisation with Cardio-Biodynamic Craniosacral, you experience the state of here and now and you sense how the body chemistry  changing.
Our quest of self realization at the course of 40 years and the researches conducted the past 28 years, taught us that the Heart is the most Real in our human existence and the Purest and non possessive part of our Being. That is why a heart never gets cancer or if she does, that is after the body has developed cancer in many organs, at the last stage of illness. This means a lot to us and encourages us in the path of Cardio-Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

In the Neo-CranioSacral Therapy we belive the heart as the bio coordinator of the body

The more we involve the heart in our treatments , as we described above, the more she will vibrate the whole Being of the patient. The heart communicates with brain in three levels: neurologically through the transmission of nerve impulses Biochemically through hormones and neurotransmitters Biodynamically through the waves of her beating By Energy through interaction of magnetic fields

1.TheΗeart influences the Brain much more than the other way round. The heart disposes in a way own brain influencing synapses, nerve cells,neurotransmitters, proteins and alternate cells.The information she sends reach the brain through medulla oblongata ,the lower back of the brain, and from there to the brain cortex ,which is responsible for our logical thought, perception reaction and understanding of the world around us. In addition , our heart affects the amygdala (ventricle) of the brain that is responsible for the management of our Sentiments/emotions. What is even more important for us at cardio-biodynamic Craniosacral is that the heart influences constantly our stimuli from the environment , our emotion and our consciousness.

2. Another way of the heart’s communication with the body are the hormones. Amongst others the heart produces the Atriopeptin (ANF=atrial natriuretic factor) known as ”hormone of balance”. It affects the blood pressure, the neurological system, adrenals and contributes to the decrease of the production of stress hormones. It Also, produces noradrenaline and dopamine; these are neurotransmitters and they are produced not only in the brain but also in our heart. Latest research show that heart produces more of these 2 hormones than we thought until now.

3.Our heartbeats produce a blast wave which spreads fastest accelerated by the speed of blood flow in our arteries.The quality of this
blast wave is the main informant to the body cells. When we are healthy all the rhythms in our body are fully synchronised. The blast wave of the heart, the breathing, the craniosacral rhythm and the biodynamic rhythm (middle tide, long tide ), altogether as a whole. Thus any change in the identity of the heart’s blast, which is affected by everything we feel and experience in the daily life, becomes a kind of communication language of the heart with all organs, glands and cells of the body. The whole body is informed directly from the heart of everything that happens . At the moment our traveller experiences Redemption and accepts his or her own truth, then changes take place through the bio-dynamic mechanism of the heart, as we described above.

 4. the Heart transmits electromagnetic waves reaching all body’s cells and more than that. The electromagnetic field of the heart is 5000 times more powerful than brain’s   electromagnetic field. Measurements have proven that electromagnetic waves of heart   can be detected 3 meters far away of the body. After years of research it has been proved   that the heart’s electromagnetic template of information is imprinted into the   electromagnetic brain’s profile. This can be seen easily at an eeg (electroencephalograph )   therefore proves that the electromagnetic waves of heart and the ones of the Brain interact..

 Our own studies and scientifically proven studies as well, indicate that When our attention   is focused at our heart , then the Brain is totally synchronized with the heart. And then,   Healing happens. Knowing that our hearts ‘electromagnetic field can reach the bodies and cells of people up to 3 meters away from us , it is obvious to us that these people can also be synchronized with us. This synchronization is like the Facilitator tuned in his heart filled with Acceptance to the Truth of the traveller, embraces the traveler’s (patient) heart. 
Here, I’d like to share a personal story when years ago I was attending an Indian music festival, where during that week top musicians were improvising with the complex instrument Sitar. Each of them could play as long as he wanted without time limits. The real of this
group was so deeply connected ,so synchronized with his instrument that another musician right across him got tuned in the masters
frequency and played the exact same music piece as the master played.Even today that memory is so alive for me. 

In that same way, the heart of traveler becomes synchronized with the facilitator’s heart. If, the facilitator considers himself as a healer, that synchronization cannot happen! In our body the great maestro, that gives the tune and harmony, is the heart, like the sitar of the Indian master musician! So during a treatment session , only if the facilitator is tuned in his heart it is obvious that the Traveller will be tuned in his heart without any effort . It just happens. When all systems work together tuned in each other, then there is the ultimate harmony of wholeness.

There is a lot of hard work for self realization on the facilitators behalf in order to tune in his heart when laying hands on the traveller. It is
not easy to renounce the role of healer, to avoid the trap of expectation. When a facilitator acts with intention, then he is already too far away from his heart. That’s why our training takes time ,so that we deepen and deepen at each level , discovering our inner Truths, Acceptance and Peace within, have Love for any of our flaws, before we become able to touch and Facilitate other people.

In Cardio Bio-Dynamic Craniosacral Therapy the HEART is the highest Intelligence and through the beat intervals (HRV = Heart Rate
variability ) can transmit complex and important information to the organs, the brain and the cells that are vital for the body. Because these info are directly related with our Sentiments and our thoughts, it’s vital for each one of us to gradually get in touch with his own
truth, that is Liberating and Healing.