Education Material - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy Greece - Neo-CranioSacral Therapy

Neo-CranioSacral Therapy - Educational Programm

Neo-CranioSacral Therapy Educational Program
The Institute of the Neo-CranioSacral in Greece offers Educational courses equal with the training of many Craniosacral Schools in Europe.
We divide the Educational Courses to five Levels 1,2,3,4 and 5. Each Level's course duration is 8-10 days including 80-85 teaching hours.
After each Level, our students are required to practice by offering a number of sessions to friends and relatives and not to children, Free of charge!!! It is important to avoid to practice on strangers or in professional work sites or institutes, as this may make you nervous and uncertain and your client / Traveller can not distinguish the new situation.  Another obligation is to receive at least 8 sessions from fellow students of Neo-CranioSacral Therapy and 2 sessions from the teachers after every Level of the education.. Moreover, part of the education is to attend at least one "supervision" seminar after completion of each level and during the period you apply free sessions for practice. Here many questions will be answered; findings will be shared so that you will be more confident of what you are doing.
Lastly, all our students as they proceed their education to the second, third, fourth  and fifth level they are obliged to attend the deepest seminar of all: Meeting with your true self is the aim during this seminar which we name "Encounter".   

  • Introduction to the Craniosacral System
  • Anatomy, physiology and the importance of it for the human body
  • Exercises to palpate the Craniosacral Rhythm. Craniosacral Rhythm balancing Techniques and acquaintance of self healing mechanism of the body. 
  • Craniosacral Rhythm pause, the CV4 technique and initiating of Still Points at various points of the body.
  • The joint of occiput and the atlas, release technique.
  • Cranial bones release techniques and spinal cord release techniques
  • The system of the inner cranial Meninges and techniques of releasing, body balancing, support of the circulation of the CranioSacral fluid (Liquor),Understanding of how the body conveys messages, learn to feel and listen to the signals that the body sends.
  • Recapitalization of what was learned in previous level.
  • Cranium base symptoms and how they relate to the whole body.
  • Release techniques to the Sphenoid, and the temporal bones.
  • The relation between the cranium base and the spinal cord
  • Release techniques to the TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint).
  • Unwinding techniques for the release of trauma issues saved in the body tissues
  • Listening the CranioSacral Rhythm with the whole body
  • Fascia Glide technique,
  • The energy cysts not as an evaluation technique but as a communication from us to the body
  • Start working with the cell memories and the spontaneous body movements in relation to somatic or/and emotional traumas.
  • Relaxing techniques of the coccyx
  • Releasing the eye eye ball and the eye socket from past tensions.
  • Relaxing the bones of the oral cavity f.e. mandibular, hyoid bone, maxilla, soft palatines
  • Release of the pterygoid muscles
  • Release of the tensions of the zygoma
  • Release of the ethmoid bone
  • Deeper engagement with the influences, encounters and effects that take place in ones body.
  • Unwinding of the head and the whole body.
  • Introduction to the Therapeutic Dialogue.
  • Refresh the learned techniques in previous levels, Thorough level is dedicated to understand the Therapeutic Dialogue Techniques and their Significant Value to the entire Neo-Craniosacral Therapy Method
  • Learning of the Therapeutic Dialogue which includes techniques from Gestalt, DE-Hypno Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Process Work, NLP Therapy and "The Way of the Heart" to heal yourself deeply
  • Multiple hands on Sessions accompanied with the Therapeutic Dialogue
  • Handling with Birth, Fear, Past Lives, Death and the different characters of expression in the humans…